我们的 目的

The Student Emergency Fund was established to provide limited, 短期, emergency financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship.  Fisk University strives to support students who are managing demanding academic requirements while struggling with unanticipated or emergency financial situations.

The Fisk Student Emergency Fund will be managed by the Vice President for Student Affairs, 或被任命者. Please be aware that this fund is limited and not all requests will be met with financial assistance. Fisk University works to maintain privacy; however, information may be shared internally on a need-to-know basis.

If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to email us at fiskcares@cq-hw.com


Fisk University has partnered with the Educational Credit Management Corporation (ECMC) to implement the Project Success Emergency Aid Program.  Project Success is an initiative designed by the U.S. Department of Education to help minority-serving institutions improve student success and institutional outcomes and will be administered by ECMC.  Please read carefully and then apply.  The funds are limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis.


  • Be enrolled part-time or full-time in a bachelor’s degree program at the time of the aid request. Graduate students are not eligible.
  • GPA是2分.0 or greater at the time of application approval.
  • Complete the online application provided by ECMC and 上传支持文件 财政需要(1).e., required uninsured medical treatment, 汽车维修估价, 失业, documented notice of unexpected change in housing or utilities expense).
  • Complete the required financial education courses through Decision Partners online platform.
  • Benefit from having an expense paid with emergency aid through this program, not to exceed $500 during the life of the aid program.
  • Be enrolled during the semester in which emergency aid funds are awarded.


To apply for emergency aid, you must complete the application listed below.  Incomplete applications will not be accepted

If you have any questions, please email fiskcares@cq-hw.com.  Please type Project Success Emergency Aid in the subject line.  谢谢你,永远的菲斯克!


Use the following link to request financial assistance.

Submit any receipts, invoices, or 旅行 documents (airline, bus, or train tickets).

  • The 学生事务处 will process all requests. Please note that the Vice President of Student Affairs may not be able to fulfill all requests.  

  • Request will be filled from the above resources and through the criteria.

    • Need: This includes technology for online learning, food, and 旅行,

    • Displacement: This includes temporary housing accommodations,

然而, the spirit of this funding is primarily to support emergency circumstances and priority is given to students in the highest financial need tiers.

  • The average award amount varies based on the need or displacement. Funding is usually limited to under $500.

  • Assistance will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • Decisions regarding disbursement of funds are made on a case-by-case basis. Awards are not considered loans and 不要求 还款.


It depends on the type of award. 在某些情况下, 可以是礼品卡, 在其他情况下, it will be the College directly purchasing the type of service.

Parents are not eligible to make requests. Applications for financial assistance must be completed by the student.